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Riddle of the Day:

  • Please like, re-post, comment on X to support this project!
  • New riddles are posted each day at 9am eastern, answers are provided at 6pm
  • You can view the Album of the Day if you are stuck, which will give you the album and the picture of the album cover (which may include the artist) for the song

Album of the Day

This project randomly highlights a new song every day from the archive. The chosen song gets a riddle (see Riddle of the Day content), the album cover highlighted here, and a lyric from the song posted on X. If you are stuck on the riddle of the day, this is a good hint toward the band and song.

Coming Soon!

Submit a Riddle

Do you see a band or song I’m missing after using the search tool below? Just want to share some clever riddles? @popPunkPoets posts a riddle day on X and is looking to get some help in creating new content, especially artist riddles. Please submit riddles below!

Fill Out the Form

* denotes required field

Note: If chosen, my X account will post your lyric in the future (modifications may be made to it), and it will be highlighted on this web page with attribution to you.

If you want to be officially ‘mentioned’/tagged in the X post when I use your submission, make sure to include the ‘@’ character in the name field and do 1 of the following (you don’t need to do them all, just 1!) to prevent false attributions:

  • Follow @popPunkPoets on X with the name provided in the form
  • After submitting this form, there is a post to X option notifying me you submitted. Do this option from the X name provided in the form


Thanks for the submission!

Follow @popPunkPoets + post the following to X to get the submission review fast tracked. I’ll also respond on X once reviewed:

Submit a Lyric

Do you see a band or song I’m missing after using the search tool below? Have a favorite lyric you want to share? @popPunkPoets posts a lyric excerpt every day on X and is looking to get some help in creating new content. If you have a great lyric you want to see highlighted, submit it it below!

Fill Out the Form

* denotes required field

Note: If chosen, my X account will post your lyric in the future (modifications may be made to it), and it will be highlighted on this web page with attribution to you.

If you want to be officially ‘mentioned’/tagged in the X post when I use your submission, make sure to include the ‘@’ character in the name field and do 1 of the following (you don’t need to do them all, just 1!) to prevent false attributions:

  • Follow @popPunkPoets on X with the name provided in the form
  • After submitting this form, there is a post to X option notifying me you submitted. Do this option from the X name provided in the form

Explore the Archive

Archive Top 10 Most Lyrics
Most Requested Artists
Coming Soon!
Most Liked Songs (Likes per 100 views)
Coming Soon!

About & FAQ


The accuracy of this data (and all data on this website) is not guaranteed. Data collected, analyzed, and shown anywhere on this site can have errors. If you see any errors with this project, please reach out to me at @popPunkPoets.

Why did you make this project?

I grew up listening to the golden age of pop punk, right when bands like Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday, The Starting Line, Fall Out Boy, Senses Fail, and Dashboard Confessional were gaining popularity and really having success in the early to mid 2000s. I also love to code and build as a hobby, and so I merged these two passions to create this. As a side note, if you love to build, I highly recommend trying a project like this… Check out all the stuff I learned in the technology question below.

How can I support this project?

The easiest things to do would be to follow and interact with me on X at @popPunkPoets and use the forms on this site to submit lyrics or riddles. Hosting my site and maintaining this project have a cost, and I don’t make money on this. If you want to donate to me to help cover costs, you can do it below. Any amount is appreciated!

You can make a tip on Twitter (Venmo, Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.): @LukeHeide1

You can tip on Paypal:

What technology did you use to make this project?

Backend Brains and Scheduling with Python
For data management, MySQL
General Frontend Technologies: Javascript and jQuery
Searching Library Select2
Posting to X with X API
Python Wrapper for X API Tweepy
LLM based Text Generation with OpenAI
Charting visuals with ApexCharts.js
General CSS styling with Bootstrap

Additional Questions or Feature Requests

Please contact me at @popPunkPoets to chat about any features or content!

Social Media